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April 2009
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Wednesday, April 15, 2009.

Meeting called to order by Vice Chair, Pat Donahue, at 6:40 p.m.

Roll Call
Present:~ Pat Donahue (Vice Chair), Frank Clocher (FC), Jane Sarnowski (JS), James Willis (JW) and Dolores Nangle (DN).

Absent:~ Kathleen Wilkinson, Elaine Heredeen, Donna Clifford, Domingo Alvarez and Joan Lovely.

Others Present: Doug Bollen (Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.) and Bill Woolley (Assistant Director of Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.).

FC motions to dispense with the reading of minutes from the meeting of March 18, 2009, and to accept them; seconded by JS; unanimously approved.

Comments/Recommendations of the Chairperson

1.      PD introduces and welcomes the board’s newest member, Dolores Nangle.
2.      Pd has no further comments or recommendations, hands it over to the Director, Doug Bollen.

Director’s/Assistant Director’s Report

1.      Doug Bollen (DB) begins by presenting a project that himself and Assistant Director, Bill Woolley have been working on.  The directors are looking to implement a set of standard policies for the Council on Aging.  BW hands out a sample set “Independence and Behavioral Policies,” from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.  BW discusses that all senior centers should have a set of standards policies for independence and behavior posted and implemented in the building.  This would be a great opportunity for the board to dig in and contribute.  
        DB; there are more policies that can be addressed, not just what is on these handouts.            
        BW; the policies will be used to protect the agency.  
        DB/BW; the center currently does not have a set of policies.

PD; is there issues on here that will be more difficult to implement than others and are there issues on here (handout) that you are currently dealing with?
        BW; yes we frequently deal with some of these issues everyday.  For example,            independence and hygiene, people being kind to each other and confidentiality issues.  

        PD; once these policies have been reviewed, approved and posted how will the clients    that use the center know about them?

        BW; they will be posted throughout the center, printed in the Senior Power newsletter,  appear on MySenior Center and be handed out when new people register for the center.

DB asked if the board would review and make changes to the handout, “Independence and Behavioral Policies,” for discussion at next months meeting.

2.      DB makes an announcement about the Senior Shoveling Program that was taken from Ellen Talkowsky, in City Hall and handed over to Volunteer Coordinator, Sandra George this past winter.~ DB announces that the program had twenty seven seniors matched up with twelve volunteers.

3.      MySenior Center has 1,300 seniors registered.~

4.      Wednesday, April 8th was the 3rd Anniversary of the COA/Park and Recreation Dept merge.~ It is DB third year as director.

5.      DB re-introduces the $70,000 grant the COA received from the federal government; DB is asking $30,000 from Capital from city so we can use grant money to purchase two vans.~ The goal is to purchase two brand new vans with this capital money. DB reads three letters from the motor pool regarding the condition of three vans that will be taken off the road (body frames rotting; will not pass inspection, brake and fluid lines breaking).
~               PD; how many vans do the COA currently have?
~               DB; currently we have six vans.
~               PD; why is there a van sitting at the bottom of Mack park?
~               DB; the van at Mack Park is a sixteen passenger van that takes up to much room                  in the COA parking lot.~ It also needs a CDL license to drive that van and at                   this time we do not have a driver with a CDL.
6.      On April 27th, the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is going to be held at the Ward II Social Club.~ This event is to honor and thank~all those who have volunteered and given their service to the COA in 2008; COA Board members, Advisory Board members, the Friends, MOW Drivers and those who help with special events. The Ward II Social club sponsored the event.  Dinner will be served 4:15/4:30, entertainment from 5-6 p.m; Doug Bollen is the Emcee, door prizes and raffles.
        DB introduces volunteer coordinator Sandra George.~ SG discusses volunteer week which begins on April 21st.~ Each day of the week we honor the volunteers; Tuesday, flower day, Wednesday, candy day, Thursday the Tanner City idols are performing and Monday is the Appreciation Dinner.~ Every item; flowers, candy and a cake from Blue Ribbon were donated in honor of volunteer week.
7.       DB reminds the board of the Board Member Training that is to be held on April 16th.~ Dolores and Jane will be attending with Bill Woolley escorting them by van.
The van will leave the COA at 12:30 and will return before 4pm.~ Other board members that have attended in the past; Frank Clocher, Kathleen Wilkinson and Pat Donahue.

8.      Nutrition:~ In March 2009, the COA provided 2,019 home delivered meals compared to 2,633 in March 2008.~ The COA served 289 congregate meals in March 2009, compared to 302 in March 2008.

BW feels the decline in MOW numbers may have to do with the staff cutting on NSES.~ Those who are on MOW are referred to the COA by those who work for NSES.  If there is a decline in staff there is a decline in those being identified for MOW.~

        PD then asks about food preparation at the new Senior Center.
        BW explains that their will be no food preparation at the new senior center.~ Food      preparation requires layers of policy and licensing by the Board of Health.  You need   the proper staff to prepare and cook meals and we currently do not have the proper      staffing.
Also the nutrition departments annual summer cookout is going to be held on July 14, at Winter Island.
9.      Transportation; In March 2009 the COA provided 1,360 rides with four new riders compared to 1,320 rides in March 2008.~

10.     BW takes over and re-introduces the grant that the COA received for the hiring of Bilingual Service Facilitators.~ BW just hired three part-time, temporary facilitators that will be on hand until June 30th. Their job is to go out into the community find, and identify seniors and create ways to meet their needs.~~ The goal is to work with the Latino community and establish sustainable programs for them to participate in.  

11.     Tuesday, June 23rd the COA will be having a Cultural Competency workshop sponsored by VNA Care Network and Hospice.~ The workshop is all day split into two sections.  The first section is open to the community; No Place for Hate will be joining us.~ The second section, offered in the afternoon is for COA staff and volunteers only.~The purpose of the workshop is to create understanding and openness for the Latino culture and how to meet their needs.
        PD asks how many Latino seniors the center is currently serving.
        BW; we are currently serving six/seven compared to the 0 were served last spring.~

Treasurer’s Report
        PD asks the board if they object to bypassing the Treasurer’s Report.  JW interrupts and would like to ask a question.  JW expresses concerns with the dollar amount listed next to part time van driver.  
        DB responds by stating the van driver will be switched over to the state formula grant.
        JW also asks DB what he is going to do this winter with snow and ice removal after the  personnel cuts that he read in the newspaper.

        DB tells the board that the custodian was laid off and as of July 1, 2009 there could be more layoffs in the building, “nobody is sacred.”  Two weeks ago he received a phone call from Human Resources stating that the custodian’s hours have been cut from 40 hours a week to 28. DB thought this would work out, for he feels that having a custodian that works nights is better and more can be done when the building is closed.  The custodian decided Monday, April 13th, to take the full layoff.  There was going to be another union worker who bumped into this position but they also have decided to take the full layoff.  This 28 hour custodial position could be filled by anyone.  As for the current custodian, his last day is Friday, April 17th.   To answer JW question, hopefully by the winter months we will have this position filled and snow and ice removal will be taken care of.  DB does not anticipate a problem.  We also received money for an overtime budget to help with snow removal during the winter months.  DB, BW and Sandy George have all pitched in to shovel when necessary, not always left for the custodian.

        DB states that Brian, a volunteer who works to assist the current custodian will still be helping at the center.  He is a hard worker and has really done more to help until thel the position is filled.   

Committee Reports  
No Committee reports

Visitor Comments
No Visitor Comments

Next Board Meeting
Mayl 20, 2009 at 6:30 pm.

PD recommended to adjourn, motion to adjourn by FC; seconded by JS; unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m.

Minutes prepared by Meghan E. Murtagh